TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 10
c. On Ground (with indications that a clutch has
failed to disengage).
1. EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-Perform (both
engines simultaneously).
9.9.7 DELETED.
9.9.8 DELETED.
9.10 FIRES.
Prior to moving PWR lever or pulling
any ENG FIRE PULL handle, either
achieve safe single engine airspeed or
prepare for a single engine landing.
The safety of the helicopter occupants is the primary
consideration when a fire occurs. On the ground, it is es-
sential that the engine(s), and APU be shut down, the
crew evacuated, and fire fighting begin immediately. If
time permits, a MAYDAY radio call should be made be-
fore electrical power is OFF to expedite assistance from
fire fighting equipment and personnel. If airborne, the
most important single action that can be taken by the
crew is to land the helicopter. Consideration should be
given to jettisoning external stores prior to landing.
The PRI bottle should be selected first;
in the event of a malfunction or failure
to extinguish the fire, select RES.
The fire bottle discharge switch directly
associated with the fire handle pulled
must be used to dispense extinguishing
If the APU is running, accomplish an
APU shutdown prior to evacuating the