TM 1-1520-238-231-271.15.FUEL SERVICING - CLOSED CIRCUIT REFUELING (CCR) METHOD – continuedCAUTIONTo prevent damage to fuel system, do notexceed maximum fueling pressure of 15psi.g. Connect closed circuit refueling nozzle (9) toadapter (10).(1) Connect nozzle ground plug (11) to ground-ing receptacle (12).(2) Remove cap (13) from adapter (10).(3) Connect nozzle (9) to adapter (10).(4) Start refueling pump.(5) Move flow control (14) to FLOW.(6) Check refueling unit for fuel flow.CAUTIONThe fuel system may be damaged if FWDCLOSEDand AFT CLOSEDindicatorsdo not light within 8 seconds after fuelservicing begins. If indicators do not light,automatic fuel shutoff has not actuated.Stop fuel servicing.(7) Check that FWD CLOSED indicator (15) andAFT CLOSEDindicator (16) light within 8seconds after fuel servicing begins.(8) Stop fuel servicing if indicators do not light(TM 1-1520-238-T).NOTEIndication of automatic fuel shutoff is ajerk of the fuel hose and no further in-crease on the fuel servicing unit quantityindicator.GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-1593-512111112914131014109M04-1593-131516
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