TM 1-1520-238-23
Change 9
1.49.16. Corrosion Resistant Coatings
a. Aluminum
(1) Clean surface using dry cleaning solvent (item 74, App F).
(2) Apply a corrosion resistant coating (item 64A, App F) as soon as possible.
(3) Allow area to soak for three to five minutes until a light, yellow coating is produced.
(4) Rinse thoroughly using clean, potable water, and allow to dry at ambient temperature.
(5) Apply coatings as follows:
(a) Reapply organic coating that has been removed in accordance with TM 1-1500-344-23.
(b) Use epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F) or epoxy primer coating kit (item 78A, App F).
(c) Use topcoat for exterior. Use polyurethane coating (item 140B, App F).
(d) Use topcoat for interior of cockpit and LRUs. Use polyurethane coating (item 140A, App F).
(e) In the event coatings are not available, apply corrosion preventive compound (item 62A, App F) or
corrosion preventive compound (item 61, App F) to the repaired area. Extend compound 0.5 to 1.0
INCH (13 to 25 mm) beyond periphery of repair.
(f) Allow to dry at ambient temperature for about one hour.
b. Steel (Ferrous Alloys)
(1) For those applications requiring an organic coating to be reapplied it is recommended that primer
(item 143, App F) be applied to bare metal within one hour after after corroded area has dried.
(2) Allow to dry at ambient temperature. If an organic coating is not to be applied and a protective coating is
needed, apply corrosion preventive compound (item 62A, App F) or corrosion preventive compound
(item 61, App F) to the repaired area. Extend compound 0.5 to 1.0 INCH (13 to 25 mm) beyond periphery
of repair.
c. Magnesium
(1) Mix chemical conversion coating using chromium trioxide (item 41A, App F) and calcium sulfite (item 39A,
App F) prior to application. Apply chemical conversion coating (Dow 19 or equivalent), as soon as cleaning
solvent has evaporated, and apply corrosion resistant coatings as follows:
(a) Reapply organic coating that has been removed in accordance with TM 1-1500-344-23.