TM 1-1520-238-23
Change 9
h. Wing (area 2)
(1) Seal around anticollision light, navigation light, and formation light with sealing compound (item 162,
App F) or sealing compound (item 170A, App F).
(2) Seal seams on top of wing with sealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealing compound (item 170A,
App F).
(3) Seal wing mounting bolts with sealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealing compound (item 170A,
App F).
(4) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 63, App F) corrosion preventive compound (item 63A, App F)
to hinge and latch on access door RW12.
(5) If not already present, add a 0.5 INCH drain hole to wing body fairing on lower surface (approximately 1.5
INCHES from the inboard edge, at lowest point).
i. Pylon (area 2)
(1) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 64, App F) to all electrical connectors followed by corrosion
preventive compound (item 62B, App F); apply corrosion preventive compound (item 63, App F) or
corrosion preventive compound (item 63A, App F) to all hinges and latches.
(2) Apply epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F) or epoxy primer coating kit (item 78A, App F) to all bolt
heads, nuts, exposed threads, hinges, and exposed metal areas. Use sealing compound (item 162, App F)
or sealing compound (item 170A, App F) as alternate, if primer is not available.
j. Engine Nacelle right (area 3)
(1) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 63, App F) or corrosion preventive compound (item 63A,
App F) to hinges and latches on engine access doors RN1, RN3, RN4, and RN5.
(2) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 62B, App F) to leveling jack RN1.
(3) Seal engine exhaust mounting backing at fuselage with sealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealing
compound (item 170A, App F).