TM 1-1520-238-23Change 91-158.151.49.CORROSION CONTROL/INSPECTION – continuede. Center Fuselage – right side (area 2)(1) Seal skin splice in front of access door R180 with sealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealingcompound (item 170A, App F).(2) Seal skin splice above access door R160 with sealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealing compound(item 170A, App F).(3) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 63, App F) or corrosion preventive compound (item 63A,App F) to R180 hinges and latches.f. Main Transmission Deck (area 2)(1) Apply epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F)or epoxy primer coating kit (item 78A, App F) to all boltheads, nuts, exposed threads, retainers, control rod ends, lateral actuator, and linkages. Do not applyprimer to bearings. Use sealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealing compound (item 170A, App F) asalternate, if primer is not available.(2) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 64, App F) to all electrical connectors followed by corrosionpreventive compound (item 62B, App F).(3) Apply epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F) to screw heads, seams, and mounting brackets onairspeed transducers. Use sealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealing compound (item 170A, App F)as alternate, if primer is not available.(4) Apply epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F) or epoxy primer coating kit (item 78A, App F) to screwheads, seams, and mounting brackets on hydraulic primary manifold hydraulic pressure transducer. Usesealing compound (item 162, App F) or sealing compound (item 170A, App F) as alternate, if primer is notavailable.g. Nose Gearbox (area 2)(1) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 64, App F) to all electrical connectors.(2) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 63, App F) or corrosion preventive compound (item 63A,App F) to latches on RN6.GO TO NEXT PAGE
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