TM 1-1520-238-23
Change 9
(3) Seal around formation and navigation lights and on top of vertical stabilizer with sealing compound
(item 162, App F) or sealing compound (item 170A, App F).
n. Horizontal Stabilator (area 5)
(1) Seal mounting bolt hardware, servo attachment fittings, and mounting hardware with sealing compound
(item 162, App F) or sealing compound (item 170A, App F).
(2) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 64, App F) to all electrical connectors, followed by corrosion
preventive compound (item 62B, App F).
(3) Fill Hi-Lok installation cavities (water traps) with RTV adhesive (item 16, App F).
o. Tail Landing Gear (area 5)
(1) Apply epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F) or epoxy primer coating kit (item 78A, App F) to bolt
heads, nuts, and exposed threads at strut frame mount. Use sealing compound (item 162, App F) or
sealing compound (item 170A, App F) as alternate, if primer is not available.
(2) Apply epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F) or epoxy primer coating kit (item 78A, App F) to all wheel
trailing arms and attaching bolt heads, nuts, and exposed threads. Use sealing compound (item 162,
App F) or sealing compound (item 170A, App F) as alternate, if primer is not available.
(3) Apply corrosion preventive compound (item 64, App F) to all electrical connectors, followed by corrosion
preventive compound (item 62B, App F)
(4) Apply hydraulic fluid (item 92, App F) to crash attenuation piston shafts. Use corrosion preventive
compound (item 63, App F) or corrosion preventive compound (item 63A, App F) as alternate. Wipe off
excess with a clean dry cloth (item 54, App F).
(5) Coat inside wheel axle with corrosion preventive compound (item 63, App F) or corrosion preventive
compound (item 63A, App F).
p. Intermediate gearbox (area 5)
(1) Prime/seal exposed machined area (controls mounts) with epoxy primer coating kit (item 76A, App F) or
epoxy primer coating kit (item 78A, App F).