TM 1-1520-238-23Change 81-326.11.108A. MAIN ROTOR TRACK AND BALANCE AVA KIT INSTALLATION – continuedACC 1 (LAT)ACC 2 (VERT)TACHO INPUTUTD+28 VDC (TO SIGNAL PROCESSOR UNIT)CREDIT CARD MEMORYCADUDAUM04-5208-11.108A.4. EquipmentInstallationa. Enter CPG station (para 1.56). Observe allsafety precautions.b. Install Aviation Vibration Analysis Equipment(AVA).(1) Remove AVA blade tracking equipment fromtransport case. Check for possible damagedequipment and frayed cables.(2) Place Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) on out-board side of copilot’s left armor plate ori-ented such that the ON/OFF switch is forwardwith connectors facing up and secure DAUusing canvas straps and D-rings.(3) Attach AH-64-to-DAU cable (29304600) con-nector P4 (1) to signal processing unit (SPU)receptacle J3 (2) located beneath and to theright of copilot’s seat.(4) Route AH-64 to DAU cable behind copilot’sseat and around to the DAU.GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-5208-221J1J2J3
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