TM 1-1520-238-231-380Change 21.137.SPECIAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST – continuedHelicopter Serial No.:Date:AreaNo.REQUIREMENTEVERYItemStatusSpecialInspectionNo.2,4,6,717(cont)Above 130% single-engine overtorque with engine failure:(cont)NOTEMomentary 130% overtorque indication will normally be considered be-low 130%; a stabilized 130% overtorque indication will be consideredabove 130% for purposes of this special inspection.a. Replace main transmission input drive shaft and couplings on overtorquedside.b. Replace engine nose gearbox on overtorqued side.c. Replace main transmission.d. Check mounting system of overtorqued engine for loose hardware,brackets, mounts or links, and other indications of overstress.e. Check tail rotor drive shafts for cracks, deformation, and other indicationsof overstress.Above 130% single-engine overtorque without engine failure:a. Perform steps a. thru e. listed for 130% or above overtorque with enginefailure.b. Check main rotor drive shaft and drive plate for cracks, distortion, andother indications of overstress.c. Check main rotor strap packs for buckling and other indication ofoverstress.d. Check main rotor blades for buckling at trailing edges.e. Check main rotor damper attachment holes for looseness (holeenlargement). Replace damper, trunnion, and mounting hardware if holeenlargement is found.f. Check tail rotor for buckling and looseness.g. Replace tail rotor fork.GO TO NEXT PAGE
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