TM 1-1520-238-232-5062.134.NO. 2 ENGINE NACELLE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedp. Install wire harness W102 (1) on firewall (2).(1) Aline wire harness W102 (1) with firewall (2).(2) Install clamps (5) on wire harness W102 (1).(3) Install two screws (3) through washers (4)and clamps (5) on firewall (2).(4) Install two tiedown straps (6) on wire harness(1) and mounting base (7) on firewall (2).(5) Install screw (8), two washers (9), and nut(10) in firewall (2).q. If nacelle is being replaced, go to step s.r. If nacelle is being reinstalled, go to step z.s. Adjust nacelle rod (89) and link (90).(1) Install adjusting tool (91) on forward enginemount (92) and aft engine mount (93). Useadjusting tool.(2) Adjust rod (89) and link (90) by lengtheningor shortening until ball support pin (94) can befreely inserted through tool (91), rod (89), andlink (90).t. Tighten nut (95) to 100 INCH-POUNDS. Usetorque wrench.u. Tighten nut (96) to 35 INCH-POUNDS. Usetorque wrench.v. Lockwire nut (96) to land (98) and nut (99). Usewire (item 226, App F).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-4112-42512671289121043929193M04-4112-439498TOOL REMOVED FORCLARITYVIEW ROTATED9989969590
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