TM 1-1520-238-23Change 86-3216.72.MAIN TRANSMISSION GENERATOR SPLINE ADAPTER REPLACEMENT – continued6.72.3. RemovalCAUTIONThreaded end of puller should bottom outon spline adapter but should not beforced to the point that the cork stopper isdamaged.a. Remove and discard spline adapter (1) fromgearshaft (2). Use spline adapter removal toolfrom generator removal/installation tool kit.6.72.4. Cleaninga. Wipe removed and attaching parts with aclean rag.b. Clean shaft with alcohol to remove oil. Usecloth (item 52, App F) and alcohol (item 25,App F).6.72.5. Inspectiona. Check splines of gearshaft for cracks. Noneallowed.b. Check splines of gearshaft for tooth chippingor flaking.(1) Tooth chipping or flaking not greater than 3percent of gear tooth area, with chip bound-ary after hand stoning to break sharp edgesnot extending into pattern area, is acceptable.c. Check cork stopper for oil seepage. None al-lowed.(1) If seepage is present replace cork stopper.(para 6.72A).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-2923-2TYPICAL TWO PLACES12
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