TM 1-1520-238-236-4636.108.TRANSMISSION INSTALLATION – INSTALL TRANSMISSION ON PLATFORM – continuedb. Install transmission sling. Torque two slingbolts (10) to 250 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Aline holes in channel (11) over top holes intransmission (12). Use sling set kit.(2) Install two bolts (10) through channel (11) andtransmission (12).(3) Torque two bolts (10) to 250 INCH-POUNDS.Use torque wrench.c. Inspect (QA).d. Move transmission (12) to platform (1).(1) Attach crane cable hook (13) to shackle (14).(2) Lift transmission (12) from trailer to platform(1).(3) Detach cable hook (13) from shackle (14).e. Remove transmission sling.(1) Remove two bolts (10) from channel (11) andtransmission (12).(2) Lift shackle (14) and channel (11) from trans-mission (12).GO TO NEXT PARAGRAPH1M04-2961-311121314141110
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