TM 1-1520-238-23
Change 9
(5) Cap bottle and shake vigorously. Remove cap and drain bottle into waste receptacle.
(6) Rinse bottle second time by repeating steps 3 through 5 once; proceed to step 7.
(7) reinitiate flow of fluid and again allow initial quantity to flow into waste receptacle.
(8) Without interrupting flow of fluid, take initial fluid sample by placing cleaned bottle under fluid stream and
filling bottle to its top shoulder, leaving approximately 1/2 inch of air space from top.
(9) Terminate flow of fluid after oil sample bottle is filled and has been removed from stream.
(10) Check initial sample for visible evidence of contamination with water or particulate or for discolored red or
milky color.
(a) If no water particulate contamination is observed in initial sample, continue sampling process by
proceeding to step 8.a(11).
(b) For purpose of this TM, if initial sample exhibits visible contamination, take resample in accordance
with steps 8.a(3) through 8.a(9).
1 If no water or particulate is observed in resample, proceed to step 8.a(11).
2 If resample exhibits visible contamination, perform corrective actions in accor-
dance with paragraph 7.2.4 before submitting sample for system.
(11) Install cap and wipe residual fluid off bottle.
(12) Label bottle and affix tag identifying aircraft system (primary or utility) or AGPU sampled.
(13) Place samples into sample mailer kit and send to units AOAP laboratory for analysis. Data gathered from
these samples will determine future inspections or corrective action required.
(14) When sample has been sent to AOAP laboratory, red horizontal dash //-// may be cleared.
(15) If notified by AOAP laboratory of contiminated hydraulic sample, take second sample in accordance with
paragraphs 8.a(1) through 8.a(13).
(16) If notified by AOAP laboratory that second hydraulic sample is contaminated, change aircraft status to red
//X// status symbol and perform procedures in paragraph 7.2.4.
b. AGPU sampling procedures.
The initial AGPU hydraulic fluid sampling will be performed upon receipt of this TM. Recurring
samples will be taken every seven days after the initial sample is taken.
(1) Inspect AGPU reservoir vent dryer to ensure desiccant is minimum of 25 percent blue in color. If it is not,
replace with new desiccant (item 70A, App F).