TM 1-1520-238-237-14.4Change 97.2.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM LEAK CHECK – continued(2) Inspect AGPU accessories to enfure that set of 30-foot pressure and return hoses, two sets of 10-footpressure, and return and adapter hoses for AH-64, and the dual service manifold are available andserviceable.(3) Ensure all hydraulic hose connectors on AGPU hydraulic control panel, dual service manifold, and hosesare protected from contamination with cap or plug.(4) Remove dual service manifold from its storage location in AGPU and place on large drip pan or other cleansurface about 30 feet from AGPU hydraulic control panel.(5) Connect hoses to dual manifold in accordance with TM 55-1730-229-12, paragraph 2-7. Inspect eachhose coupling for visible contaminiation and wipe clean prior to making connection. Connect removedplugs to removed caps at each connection.NOTEOperation of the AGPU is to be performed only by a trained, qualified operator. Refer to instructionplate on hydraulic control panel door for important setup and shutdown procedures for the AGPUhydraulic system..(6) Perform hydraulic system self–filtering and purging operation in accordance with TM 55-1730-229-12,page 3-23, paragraph 3-10.(7) Immediately after shutdown, take sample from system drain connector on AGPU hydraulic control panel byopening reservoir drain valve. Samples will be taken in accordance with paragraph 7.2.4.(8) Recurring seven day samples may be taken from reservoir drain fitting without operating AGPU.GO TO NEXT PAGE
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