TM 1-1520-238-237-997.29.HYDRAULIC HAND PUMP SELECTOR LEVER REPLACEMENT (AVIM)7.29.1. DescriptionThis task covers:Removal. Cleaning. Inspection. Installation.7.29.2. InitialSetupTools:Airframe repairman’s tool kit (item 377, App H)Materials/Parts:CollarSwage pinPersonnel Required:68GAircraft Structural Repairer67R3FAttack Helicopter Repairer/TechnicalInspectorReferences:TM 1-1500-204-237.29.3. Removala. Remove and discard swage pin (1) and collar(2) (TM 1-1500-204-23).(1) Remove lever (3), washer (4), and camshaft(5).NOTEIf selector spring is to be replaced, go tostep b. If not, go to paragraph 7.29.4.b. Remove selector spring (6) from manifold (7).(1) Remove bolt (8) and washer (9) from spring(6).(2) Remove spring (6) and three pins (10) frommanifold (7).(3) Remove and retain three pins (10) fromspring (6).(4) Discard spring (6).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-2673-124710689531
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