TM 1-1520-238-239-274Change 39.75.MULTICHANNEL DIMMING CONTROLLER MODULE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION(AVIM) – continuedh. Install top cover (1) on chassis (2). Torquescrews (3) and (4) to 6.5 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Position cover (1) on chassis (2). Aline screwholes and hold.(2) Install two screws (4) and spacers (5) throughcover (1) and in chassis (2).(3) Install 25 screws (3) through cover (1) and inchassis (2).(4) Torque 25 screws (3) and two screws (4) to6.5 INCH-POUNDS. Use torque wrench,screwdriver bit holder, and screwdriver bit.i. Inspect (QA).j. Perform appropriate test. Use Electronic Equip-ment Test Facility (EETF) (TM 11-6625-3085-30).END OF TASK431345523M04-3068-17
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