TM 1–1520–238–T–14–38Change 54–6IHADSS – INTERACTIVE FD/LS CHECK (cont)4–63. Perform FD/LS check as follows:TASKRESULTa. On DEK (fig. 2–49),rotate DATA ENTRYswitch to FD/LS(ADC). On CDU (fig.2–49.2), select FABIf there are no systemfailures, the followingmessage (prompt) appears: ANY KEY FOR FD/LSMENUSFDLS(ADD).When a list of failures isdisplayed, the list is scrolledby pressing and releasing theENTER/SPACEkey on theDEK (ADC) or SPC key onthe CDU (ADD). Scroll untilthe following message(prompt) appears: ANY KEY FOR FD/LSMENUS b. Obtain maintenancemenu by pressingand releasing anyDEK key exceptENTER SPACEandSHIFT(ADC); orany key on the CDU,except SPC (ADD).If FD/LS menus do notappear on HOD (fig. 2–34),refer to TM 9-1230-476-20-2for troubleshooting the MUXsystem.NOTERHE – RT BUS NO–GO RH FAB (ACZ)and/orRHE – LT BUS NO–GO RH FAB (ACZ)willappear if both pilot and CPG SAFE/ARMswitches are off.c. On DEK, press andrelease ()/0 andVWX/8keys (ADC).On CDU, press andrelease 0 and 8 keysIf any MUX NO–GO appearson HOD, refer toTM 9-1230-476-20-2 fortroubleshooting the MUXsystem.(ADD).When MUXCOMMUNICATION GOappears on the HOD, go tonext step.
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