TM 1–1520–238–T–37–14Change 47–49 SIGNAL NAME:BRT TO CPG DAP (ACY) CPG IHAD BRT CMD (ACZ)MEMORY LOCATION: 001610MEMORY DATA BIT(S):4–19 (ACY) 4–15 (ACZ)(SCALAR)CONDITION:Monitor brightness signal level to CPG display adjust panel (DAP) as brightness isadjusted from minimum (–) to maximum (+).SIGNAL FUNCTION:Controls CPG IHADSS brightness.REMARKS: From FCC through RH FAB MRTU Type I to CPG DAP.PASS:Location of fault if condition is met: CPG DAP, wiring from CPG DAP to RH FAB MRTU Type I,RH FAB MRTU Type I. Troubleshoot wiring to isolate fault (TM 9–1270–221–23).FAIL: Location of fault: RH FAB MRTU Type I, wiring from RH FAB MRTU Type I to CPG DAP, CPGDAP. Troubleshoot wiring to isolate fault (TM 9–1270–221–23).7–50 SIGNAL NAME:CONTRAST TO CPG DAP (ACY) CPG IHAD CTRS CMD (ACZ)MEMORY LOCATION: 001611MEMORY DATA BIT(S):4–19 (ACY) 4–15 (ACZ)(SCALAR)CONDITION:Monitor ORT IHAD display contrast signal level to CPG DAP as contrast is adjustedfrom minimum (–) to maximum (+).SIGNAL FUNCTION:Controls CPG IHADSS contrast.REMARKS: From FCC through RH FAB MRTU Type I to CPG DAP.PASS:Location of fault if condition is met: CPG DAP, wiring from CPG DAP to RH FAB MRTU Type I,RH FAB MRTU Type I. Troubleshoot wiring to isolate fault (TM 9–1270–221–23).FAIL: Location of fault: RH FAB MRTU Type I, wiring from RH FAB MRTU Type I to CPG DAP, CPGDAP. Troubleshoot wiring to isolate fault (TM 9–1270–221–23).7–51 SIGNAL NAME:CPG BRSIT HMD SWMEMORY LOCATION: 000414MEMORY DATA BIT(S):10(BINARY)CONDITION:(None)SIGNAL FUNCTION:Monitors CPG boresight helmet display (BRSIT HMD) switch.REMARKS: From CPG collective through CPG MRTU Type III to FCC.PASS:If fourth digit on HOD is 0, 2, 4, or 6, go to paragraph 7–52.FAIL: Location of fault: CPG BRSIT HMDswitch, CPG collective,wiring from CPG collective to CPGMRTU Type III, CPG MRTU Type III. Troubleshoot wiring to isolate fault (TM 9–1270–221–23).7–52 SIGNAL NAME:IHADSS BRSIT SW (ACY) CPG IHAD BST SW (ACZ)MEMORY LOCATION: 000441MEMORY DATA BIT(S):7(BINARY)CONDITION:(None)SIGNAL FUNCTION:Monitors CPG IHADSS BRSIT switch.REMARKS: From CPG FCP through CPG MRTU Type III to FCC.PASS:If fifth digit on HOD is 0, 2, 4, or 6, go to paragraph 7–53.FAIL: Location of fault: CPG FCP, wiring from CPG FCP to CPG MRTU Type III, CPG MRTU Type III,wiring from CPG FCP to pilot FCP, pilot FCP. Troubleshoot wiring to isolate fault(TM 9–1270–221–23).
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