TM 1-1520-238-T-46–56–2LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS (cont)6–2(2) During normal operation, the main transmission drives the shaft driven compressor, the accessorydrive lubrication pump, two ac generators, two hydraulic pumps, tail rotor output shaft, and the main rotor driveshaft.(a) The shaft driven compressor draws ambient air through the particle separator. It is a single stagecentrifugal compressor driven by the left generator spur gear.(b) Two ac generators are mounted on spur gears, one on either side of the main transmission housing,which provide ac electrical power for the helicopter.(c) Two hydraulic pumps pressurize the primary and utility hydraulic systems.c. IGB Assembly.The IGB assembly (fig. 6–4) connects the main transmission to the TGB. The gearboxhousing, mounted at the base of the vertical stabilizer, is finned for cooling. The housing assembly receives powerfrom drive shaft 5 and supplies power to drive shaft 6. The IGB assembly consists of four theremistors, anaccelerometer, a breather vent, and a cooling fan.(1) Four temperature thermistors (sensors) are spring–loaded to maintain constant contact with thebearing housing.(2) The accelerometer monitors vibration inside the IGB and is installed on the upper rear center section ofthe IGB.(3) The breather vent prevents the IGB housing from being overpressurized. It is filled with curled steelmesh to provide a filter and is installed top of the housing assembly.(4) The cooling fan and coupling assembly are mounted on the IGB input flange assembly. The coolingfan maintains the IGB assembly at normal operating temperatureVERTICAL STABILIZERIGBASSEMBLYCOOLING FANAND COUPLINGASSEMBLYOUTPUT FLANGECOUPLING ASSEMBLYDRIVE SHAFT 6M58-130ABREATHER VENTTHERMISTORS (4)ACCELEROMETERDRIVE SHAFT 5Figure 6–4.IGB Assembly
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