TM 1-1520-238-T-6
(15) CPG Caution /Warning System. The CPG caution/warning system( fig. 994) provides indications of
hazardous conditions, master caution indications, master caution resets, audio warning resets and lamp press to
test functions in the CPG station.
(a) MISSION FC DC circuit breaker (CB50), on the pilots forward circuit breaker panel, supplies
28 VDC through the pilot and CPG FIRE CONTROL panels to the CPG ARM/SAFE indicators. EMERG BATT
CAUT circuit breaker (CB29) on the CPG circuit breaker panel 1, supplies 28 VDC to the pilot matrix module. The
pilot matrix module receives DASE and power plants input to provide indications of caution and warning. The pilot
matrix module supplies 28 VDC to the multi-channel dimming controller, CPG caution/warning panel, CPG master
caution/warning panel and the CPG caution/warning panel caution/warning indicators, and 0 to 5 VDC
edge-lighting to the CPG caution/warning panel. When the PRESS TO TEST indicator on the CPGs master
caution/warning panel is pressed, the intermediate gearbox temperature alarm is enabled.
(b) The multi-channel dimming controller receives engine fire detection to provide indications of
caution/warning conditions on the CPG fire extinguisher ENG FIRE PULL handles. When the PRESS TO TEST
indicator on the CPGs master caution/warning panel is pressed, the multi-channel dimming controller controls the
lighting of the CPG fire extinguisher ENG FIRE PULL handle indicators and the CPG ARM/SAFE indicators. The
multi-channel dimming controller also supplies 28 VDC bright/dim voltage to the CPG caution/warning panel.
(c) The CPG caution/warning panel outputs 28 VDC to the master caution/warning panel for reset and
PRESS TO TEST indicator voltage.
(d) The MASTER CAUTION light on the CPGs master caution/warning panel lights when an indicator
on the CPGs caution/warning panel lights. The PRESS TO TEST indicator on the CPGs master caution/warning
panel tests (lights) caution/warning panel indicators and all remote caution and warning indicators. Pressing
ENGINE 1 OUT or ENGINE 2 OUT indicator resets the audio alarms from the engine out warning unit.