TM 1-1520-238-T-69–2919–98.MAINTENANCE LIGHTS – MAINTENANCE OPERATIONAL CHECK9–98Tools:NomenclaturePartNumberTool Kit, ElectricalSC518099CLA06Repairer’sMultimeter, DigitalAN/PSM-45Maintenance Light 7-116122072AssemblyPersonnel Required:68XArmament/Electrical Systems RepairerOne person to assistReferences:TM 1-1520-238-23Equipment Conditions:RefConditionTM 1-1520-238-23Helicopter safed Access provisions – B60R and R295 accessdoors openedNOTERefer to (fig. 9–137) for location and configuration of maintenance light.If referenced out of one paragraph or volume into another for additionaltroubleshooting, upon completion of the task, return to the maintenanceoperational check for the original paragraph or volume.1. Connect battery (TM 55-1520-238-23).2. Perform the maintenance operational check as follows:TaskResulta. In aft avionics bay, check that MAINT LT(CB8) circuit breaker (fig. 9–137) is closed.If MAINT LTcircuit breaker (CB8) does not stayclosed, go to paragraph 9–100.b. With maintenance light attached to J111 inaft avionics bay (fig. 9–137), turn rheostat toBRT. Check that maintenance light islighted.If light is not lighted, go to paragraph 9–101.c. With maintenance light attached to J112 inright FAB, turn rheostat to BRT.Check thatmaintenance light is lighted.If maintenance light does not light, go to paragraph9–102.3. Disconnect battery (TM 1-1520-238-23).4. Secure B60R and R295 access doors (TM 1-1520-238-23).
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