TM 55-6930-214-10
5-1. GENERAL. The CMS has a high degree of similarity to the actual helicopter.
Since the purpose of the CMS is for individual and crew proficiency and tactical
training, certain operations and functions of the aircraft are simulated only
partially or not at all. Those operations and functions that follow were
determined to have very low or no applicability for the enhancement of pilot and
CPG training and proficiency. General items include the following:
Transparent canopy plexiglass is not present
Canopy removal arm/fire mechanisms are installed but nonfunctional
Pilot lighting control panel is functional but limited
5-2. AVIONICS. Comnunications equipment provides for instructor and trainee
communications, but not actual signal reception or transmission. Discrete
that exist with the avionics equipment are described in Chapter 3.)
5-3. TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. The simulator compartments and motion systems are
required to operate in a comfort-controlled environment at a temperature of 75
(10) OF (18.33 to 29.44OC) at a 50 (5)% relative humidity. The computer complex
is required to operate in a controlled environment of 70 (5)OP (18.33 to 23.88OC )
at a 50 (5)% relative humidity.
a. In the course of operation, variations in room temperature must not result in
the development of relative humidity above 70% or below 30% at any temperature with-
in the range from 50 to 100OF (10 to 38OC). Temperature sensors in the equipment
cabinets are capable of sensing two overheat temperatures. At 100OF (38OC). they
Illuminate a light on the failure indications panel indicating that a particular
cabinet location is in an overheat condition. In addition, an aural warning is
activated. If the overheating condition is not corrected, the entire CMS complex
is automatically shut down when the temperature exceeds 110OF (44OC).
b. The internal temperature of the pilot and CPG CMS compartments is controlled
by separate, dedicated air conditioners ducted at supplementary outlets within the
compartment and the normal cockpit heating and defrosting ducts. Separate thermo-
stat controls are provided on the inside rear wall of each compartment. The cock-
pit air temperature controls, although present, are nonfunctional.
5-4. OCCUPANCY. During simulated maneuvers, safety reasons require that occupancy
of each flight compartment is limited to three persons: the trainee, an instruc-
tor, and an observer. Use of seat belts is mandatory while in motion.
5-5. MOTION SYSTEM. For multiaxis motion, the maximum platform excursion values
are given below with respect to a forward reference point. These values are
measured with respect to an origin established when the motion platform is con-
sidered to be at a neutral position: that is, with the hydraulic cylinder legs at
33 inches up, 38 inches down
58 inches
53 inches
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