TM 55-6930-214-10
6-1. GENERAL. The AH-64 CMS utilizes two digital image generation (DIG) systems
to provide the necessary visual displays. A computer-generated data base provides
a tactical gaming area and an airfield area of approximately 1,200 square kilo-
meters (32 x 40 km). The gaming area is a generic terrain representation that was
specifically designed to meet the diverse training requirements related to attack
helicopter operations.
Since these are only two DIG systems provided with the CMS,
there are limitations on the number of visual displays that can
be viewed simultaneously. (Chapter 5 lists the displays
available in each cockpit during integrated or independent CMS
a. Out-the-Window Displays. Each cockpit has three out-the-window displays
(left, front, and right). In the independent mode, each cockpit requires the use
of its DIG system to provide OTW scenes. In the integrated mode, one DIG provides
OTW scenes to both cockpits but from the pilot's perspective.
b. Sensor System Displays. The visual generation system has the capability of
providing imagery to every sensor display in the CMS. These include the pilot
IHADSS with PNVS and symbology, the OTW scene, and the VDU. The pilot can also
monitor the CPG TV or TADS FLIR on the VDU during integrated flight training. The
CPG has displays for IHADSS and ORT heads-down display (HDD), plus heads-out
displays (HOD) for TV and FLIR.
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