5-12. INDEPENDENT MODE. This mode is limited as follows:
a. Demonstrations cannot be dynamically recorded.
b . Deleted.
c. Instructors/operators cannot initiate malfunctions affecting the other
d. The CPG instructor ray select VISIONICS POINTING and REMOTE DESIGNATIONS for
the CPG.
e. AUTOFLY capability is available to the CPG cockpit.
f. The CPG has radio communications with the CPG instructor over the ICS, VHF,
and UHF radios regardless of their operational status.
g. The CPG cannot affect electronic warfare threat environment.
h . Deleted.
5-13. INTEGRATED MODE. This mode is limited as follows:
a. CPG visual is the same as the pilot front visual.
b. Either pilot or CPG instructor may be selected as master instructor with
control and editing functions. The slave instructor has limited IOS control and
editing functions. Selection of CRT page displays without edit, and motion off,
emergency stop, freeze, timer reset, edit malfunctions, and hardcopy request are
available to the other instructor. Master control can be assumed by or transferred
to the other instructor at any time.
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