TM 55-6930-214-10
Figure 7-2. Pilot/CPG Trainee Control Panel
used in the integrated mode, separate systems do not work. The computer must know
which controls to receive outputs from. The flight command (FLT CMD PILOT and FLT
CMD CPG) switchlights provide this function.
Flight controls may move abruptly upon system turn-on, initial
conditions insertion, demonstration maneuvers or conditions store/
reset. Keep clear of controls until neutral position is reached.
The FLT CMD PILOT or FLT CMD CPG switchlights are on the left side of the
pilot and CPG IOS console control panels (figure 7-1). A discrete switchlight is
provided for each trainee station. When either switchlight is depressed, the
corresponding set of controls provides flight control commands to the computer;
other cockpit controls are inoperative.
Characteristics of the flight command control system are as follows:
Active only in integrated mode
Active only at the master instruction station
Either switchlight can be activated while in freeze or on-the-fly
Inactive during playback, demos, and autofly
c. These switchlights permit the instructor at the master station to designate
which trainee will physically fly the simulated aircraft.
7-5. DATA ENTRY KEYBOARD. The data entry keyboard contains a set of alphanumeric
and function keys that serve as the primary means of interface between the instruc-
tor and the CMS computer system.
a. The eight function keys on the keyboard (beginning at top left in figure 7-3)
(1) PAGE RCL - Replaces currently displayed CRT page to which the keyboard is
slaved with the most recently displayed page and displays the index and control for
all pages if target status (page 30) has been fixed, using line 61 of page 150.
Change 2 7 - 7