TM 55-6930-214-10
(8) Lights are extinguished at both panels at the termination of a call; that
is, when either the caller or the called party presses the switchlight. Communica-
tions are then disabled.
7-7. HARDCOPY. A hardcopy unit at each IOS can be accessed through a HARDCOPY
switchlight on the pilot and CPG console control panels (figure 7-1). The unit
accepts up to five requests for copy in rapid succession. The hardcopy unit is
used to provide a copy of perishable information displayed on the selected CRT; to
aid the instructor in subsequent review of trainee performance; and to provide
objective information for permanent records. Use of the hardcopy feature does not
affect any aspect of the simulation except for the generation of the copy. This
feature can be used independently of other instructional activities in progress.
7-8. LEFT CRT/RIGHT CRT. These switchlights allow the keyboard to be assigned to
the left or right CRT respectively for page control, data entry, and hard copy.
7-8.1 STATUS INTERCHANGE. Status interchange allows for the selectable switching
of the status pages between the two CRTs.
7-8.2 CRT INTERCHANGE. CRT interchange allows for the selectable switching of the
main page area and index and control page areas together between the two CRTs.
7-9. INDICATOR LAMP TEST. There is one indicator lamp test switchlight on the
console control panel (figure 7-1) at each IOS. When depressed at either IOS, this
switchlight causes the illumination of all lamps on the console control panel and
forward control panel at the respective IOS.
7-10. MASTER RESET. A master reset switchlight is located in the miscellaneous
section of the console control panel (figure 7-1) at each IOS. The master reset,
when depressed, deletes all temporary modifications to the simulation (e.g., all
TEE's. AMI's, and IC's).
7-11. CPG AUTOFLY CONTROL. These controls are used to manually control heading
and altitude of the CPG trainer during target engagement activities and weapons
firing in the autofly mode of operation.
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