TM 55-6930-214-10
(1) MON PILOT VIDEO (active in the integrated mode only) allows the CPG in-
structor to view the current sensor system field of view being used by the pilot on
map displays.
(2) CPG DVO allows the CPG instructor to monitor the CPG DVO display when it
is being employed.
c. Unique Pilot IOS Switchlights. The following switchlights are at the pilot
IOS only:
(1) MON CPG VIDEO (active in the integrated mode only) allows the pilot in-
structor to view the current sensor field of view system being used by the CPG on
nap displays.
(2) INDEP IHADSS ENABLE allows the pilot instructor to activate, but not moni-
tor, the IHADSS in the independent mode only. This switchlight does not operate in
the integrated mode of operation.
7-18. MANUAL FREEZE. Manual freeze (MF) enables the instructor or the trainee to
freeze or suspend ongoing simulated activity. During the period of suspension, the
simulated conditions existing at the onset of MF are preserved, and the suspended
activity can be resumed at the option of the instructor or the trainee. Except for
the primary flight controls, controls and displays at the IOS and in the cockpit
retain their normal function during use of this feature and can be used to change
the preserved conditions. During a period of freeze, cockpit avionics displays
reflect the fixed position of the simulated aircraft, but otherwise function
normally in response to operation of the controls associated with such displays.
a. The primary purpose of the MF feature is to permit interruption of the simu-
lation so that other instructional or supporting activities can take place or to
provide a break in the instruction. The secondary purpose of this feature is to
provide a stable condition during periods in which the CMS is on but the cockpit
can be unoccupied; thus allowing necessary setup or simulation modification func-
tions to be performed through controls at the IOS. Cockpit ingress/egress also is
possible during periods of freeze without concern for inadvertent movement of cock-
pit controls.
b. Controls for manual freeze are on the forward control panel (figure 7-4) of
each IOS and on the trainee control panel (figure 7-2) of each cockpit. In the in-
tegrated mode of operation, activation of the freeze control in either cockpit sus-
pends activities in both cockpits. In independent mode of operation, activation of
the freeze control in one cockpit has no effect on the other cockpit.
c. The manual freeze function is used to:
Temporarily interrupt an ongoing training activity to critique performance
Reposition the CMS for another instructional activity
Preserve Perishable CRT data while hardcopy is being used
Effect changes in the simulation
Access other instructional features
d. A modification to the simulation that involves a discontinuity in any para-
meter affecting flight can be made only while the simulator is in a freeze state
(e.g., repositioning of the simulated aircraft or substituting one external visual
display scene for another). Discontinuities involving visual displays require that
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