TM 55-6930-214-10
a. The MANUAL switchlight on the console control panel allows the instructor to
have manual control at hover points, to allow the CPG trainee more time to complete
firing activities. Control of heading and altitude is accomplished by the use of a
4-direction joystick. Heading is accomplished by left or right movement, and alti-
tude is changed by moving the joystick forward for up and backward for down.
b. Manual control can be activated any time prior to arrival, or while at a pre-
selected hover location. This feature can be used to extend the period that the
aircraft is unmasked beyond that which was originally recorded.
c. These controls are on the right side of the console control panel (figure
7-l) at the CPG IOS only.
7-12. LIGHTING CONTROL. This control varies intensity of switchlights on both
control panels.
7-13. HEADSET VOLUME CONTROL. The headset volme control is a multiposition
potentiometer located on each console control panel (figure 7-1). When this poten-
tiometer is turned fully counterclockwise it allows minimum volume to the respec-
tive headset, and when turned fully clockwise it allows maximum volume to the
respective headset.
7-14. STORE/RESET CURRENT CONDITIOUS. The store/reset (S/R) current conditions
feature permits the CMS to be returned rapidly to a previously encountered set of
simulated conditions. When activated, the store function places the current flight
conditions into memory (temporary memory) for subsequent recall or reset. Only one
set of conditions can be stored at any one time with this feature. The reset func-
tion returns (resets) the CMS to the flight conditions that existed at the time the
store function was activated.
a. Controls for the S/R feature are on the forward control panel (figure 7-4) at
each IOS and on the trainee control panel (figure 7-2) on the left side of each
trainee cockpit. The store function can be used any time in or out of freeze. The
reset function, however, can be accessed only while the CMS is In freeze.
b. Instructors can use the store reset current conditions function to enable
rapid and easy reestablishment of the exact condition needed for a particular in-
structional activity, and to provide access to a modified IC set without having to
repeat the modification process.
c. If no current conditions have been stored during a training period, activa-
tion of the reset function returns the CMS to the most recently selected IC set.
Selection of a new IC set automatically replaces any stored conditions.
d. If desired or required, a set of stored conditions can be either displayed,
hardcopied, or saved as a temporary IC set. The following procedures will permit
the instructor to:
(1) Display:
(a) Place the simulator in problem freeze.
(b) Activate RESET.