TM 55-6930-214-10
b. Target site pathway detailed displays can be called up for display via the
data entry keyboard and the reference numbers in the index and control area when
target site overview CRT page 540 is displayed (e.g., 01 TAB 05 ENTER, displays the
pathway, If any. associated with target number 5). These pathways are used with
TEE's and with the manual target control page to designate the path to be traveled
b y a specific type target (e.g., T-80. T-62, etc.). W h e n a t a r g e t s i t e i s i s
entered, all target reference numbers disappear from the display. To return the
target reference numbers. key in 03 ENTER. This recalls all sites to the display
and deletes the pathway previously displayed. Command 03 is used to recall all
sites and terrain markings.
The target site overview page is used to:
Determine relative location of each target site within visual gaming area
Determine which targets art active
Determine type targets that have been placed on the 10 active target sites
Call up and display target site pathway detailed displays
The battle position target site (available
target sites reference) CRT pages (figure 7-46) provide graphic data related to
battle/firing positions and associated target sites and provide the instructor with
a 12- by 12-km graphic overview of the target engagement area of interest.
a. There are 34 designated battle positions included in the visual gaming area.
These battle positions include from one to tight firing positions each. The battle
positions are designed in l-kilometer squares and can be entered from only one side
of the square kilometer. The battle position is composed of relatively high terrain
that overlooks target engagement areas (low terrain containing target sites). With-
in each battle position are nap-of-the-earth (NOE) routes leading to the firing
b. Battle position target sites are always oriented on the CRT display so that
north is up. Bach battle position target site shows the battle position by number
and all of the target sites within its 10-kilometer range. Since each battle posi-
tion has one or more firing positions. s e v e r a l fields-of-fire are available to the
trainee. Bach battle position has been designed with tight selectable fields-of-
fire for the Instructor to choose from when viewing the target sites in the target
engagement areas.
c . The battle position target site pages are in group 5 (TARGETS) and can be ac-
cessed via the data entry keyboard (CRT pages 541-574). In the index and control
area of the CRT page when battle position target site maps art displayed, control
reference numbers are provided to permit selection of fields-of-fire. Each battle
position has only one entrance side. shown on the map with an index. Starting in
the upper right-hand corner of the battle position, the fields-of-fire are numbered
1 through 8 in a clockwise direction. In the control area, reference number 01 is
the command for selecting the FIELD OF FIRE number. Reference numbers 02 and 03 are
aircraft TRACK ERASE and TRACK RECALL, respectively.
Reference number 01 can be
entered via the data entry keyboard while the map is displayed (e.g., 01 TAR 6
ENTER) and causes the viewing direction of the field-of-fire to change for the spe-
cified battle position. As fields-of-fire art selected (advanced), the map automa-
tically repositions in relation to the battle position to maintain the maximum
f i e l d - o f - v i e w in the direction of the field-of-fire (i.e., when field-of-fire 6
is selected, the battle position is displayed on the left side of the CRT page and
Change 2