TM 55-6930-214-10
centered vertically: when field-of-fire 2 is selected, the battle position is
displayed on the right side of the CRT page and centered vertically).
d. When targets have been selected and positioned on the target sites within a
battle position target site map, target symbols appear on the map. When intervisi-
bility or LOS exists between the ownship and any target(s), the target symbol(s)
illuminate in high intensity.
e. Battle position target site maps CRT pages can be used to determine which
target sites are in proximity of a battle/firing position. and to observe graphi-
cally when intervisibility exists between the ownship and targets. These CRT pages
are primarily used by the instructors for planning new TEE sets. as they do not
display the ownship symbol. Battle position maps (CRT pages 301-334) should be
used to monitor training activity during normal simulation training periods.
7-45, MANUAL TARGET CONTROL. The target control CRT page provides the instructor
with the capability to manually select targets and designate the characteristics
associated with them. This page includes 22 command entry lines that are used to
activate and control target/characteristics.
The target control page (figure 7-47) is in group 5 (TARGETS) and can be
accessed via the data entry keyboard by keying in 580 DISPL. The page permits
selection and insertion of one target at a time into the simulation. Up to 10 tar-
gets can be selected and active in the simulation at any one time. Up to five of
these targets can be designated as moving targets. (Table 7-10 lists the control
commands, range of values, keystrokes required, and comments related to use of the
target control CRT page.)
580-01 must be set to OFF to manually activate/remove targets.
b. The target control page is used to temporarily inhibit TEE events from occur-
ring (activation of motion and onset of hostility) and to establish a temporary
threat array for a training mission.
While manual selection of targets provides considerable flexibi-
lity with selection of threat arrays, such selection can become
overly time-consuming because of the number of entry commands re-
quired. If an appropriate TEE is available, its selection and
use will reduce setup time. Triggering contingencies are not
available with manual target control. Consequently, threat ac-
tivities are activated when freeze is deactivated. To establish
control of threat activity and maintain visual contact with tar-
gets, manual control is best employed while the simulator is in
freeze at the desired battle position.
The visionics pointing/remote desig-
nator control page (figure 7-48) is a dual-function control page. First, during
independent mode training, it permits the instructor to act as the missing crew-
member to identify and designate targets. Second, it permits the selection and
designation of targets for engagement via remote designators (GLLD, etc.). The
page includes five command reference lines; line 01 is used for visionics pointing,
and lines 02 through 05 are used for remote designation.
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