TM 55-6930-214-10
a. There are 15 sets of AMI programs available, with up to 10 malfunctions
programmed for each one. Up to three different contingent conditions/parameters
can be designated for each malfunction. The contingent conditions/parameters can
be programed so all must occur or any one of the designated set can trigger the
malfunction. For example, one malfunction in an AMI set could be: engine No. 1
fails when altitude is greater than 30 feet AGL, airspeed is less than 10 knots,
and mission elapsed time is equal to 30 minutes. When the specified insertion con-
tingencies have been met. the malfunction occurs in the manner programmed for it
without instructor intervention.
b. Since the insertion of specific malfunctions are controlled automatically and
are triggered by conditions that may be beyond Instructor control and their occur-
rence may disrupt training or overload a trainee at that point, the instructor re-
ceives an alert message. Ten seconds prior to insertion of an AMI malfunction. an
alert message with the name of the malfunction is displayed in the IOS CRT alert
area. The instructor has the option at this time to allow the malfunction inser-
tion and to monitor trainee response, or to delete it. If the instructor chooses
to delete the malfunction during the 10-second alert period, the MALF OVERRIDE
switchlight on the forward control panel must be depressed. Depressing the switch-
light deletes the impending malfunction for the remainder of the training period
without affecting the remainder of the malfunctions in the AMI set. Once an
automatic malfunction has been overridden (deleted), the instructor can insert it
manually via the data entry keyboard and the manual malfunctions pages.
c. The instructor can remove any automatically inserted malfunction from the
simulation by keying in the unique 5-digit identifier associated with that malfunc-
tion and ENTER on the data entry keyboard. A l t e r n a t i v e l y , all active malfunctions
can be removed from the simulation by depressing the REMOVE ACTIVE MALFS switch-
light on the forward control panel.
d. AMI sets are called up for CRT display and/or activated via the data entry
keyboard on the console control panel. AMI sets are in group 2 (MALFUNCTION INDEX)
and are listed on CRT pages 201 through 215. An AMI set can be displayed on the
main page of the CRT by depressing the 3-digit unique page number and DISPL on the
keyboard (e.g., AMI set number 5 is on CRT page 205). The AMI set can be entered
into the simulation when it is currently displayed on the CRT by keying in the
3-digit page number and ENTER on the keyboard. Alternatively, an AMI set can be
directly entered without displaying it on the CRT by keying in the 3-digit page
number and depressing ENTER. The simulator does not have to be in freeze condition
to enter any AMI. Only one AMI set can be active at a time. Selection of subse-
quent AMI sets during a period automatically deletes the previously selected set.
e. The HALF OVERRIDE switchlight for deleting automatic insertion of malfunc-
tions and the REMOVE ACTIVE MALFS switchlight for deleting all active malfunctions
are at the top left on the IOS forward control panel. These switchlights are used
to relieve instructor workload, permit skilled pilots to practice emergency proce-
dures independently, and provide a greater degree of standardization.
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