TM 55-6930-214-10
The AMI should not be used to introduce pilots to malfunctions
or in conjunction with other training activities for relatively
unskilled pilots. Manual insertion of malfunctions should be
used for introduction. (Refer to MANUAL MALFUNCTIONS.) AMI's
may Increase the trainee task loading; as such, they should be
used for advanced or continuation training activities and for
training pilots in maintenance of skills.
7-53. MANUAL MALFUNCTION. Malfunction simulation (MS) enables the instructor to
fail, partially or totally, a simulated aircraft component or to introduce an ab-
normal aircraft condition. When such a failure is inserted into the simulation,
the consequences duplicate the consequences of a corresponding failure in the air-
c r a f t . Actions taken by the trainee in the simulator following insertion of a
failure have the same consequences as would be experienced under corresponding cir-
cumstances in the aircraft. The instructor can insert or remove a simulated mal-
function, but cannot change its programmed characteristic.
a. Malfunction simulation enables the instructor to simulate the occurrence of
component malfunctions and failures so that the pilot and/or copilot/gunner can be
trained to determine that an abnormal condition has occurred, identify the condi-
tion, and take the prescribed corrective or compensating action. Since the simula-
tor provides a safe environment in which such training can take place, it provides
the only environment in which training associated with the most hazardous malfunc-
tions can take place. Approximately 336 malfunctions are available in the CMS.
(Refer to tables 7-15 and 7-16, in Section IV of this chapter.)
b. Malfunctions are entered into the simulation through the data entry keyboard
on the console control panel at each IOS. Categories of available malfunctions are
indexed by system on CRT page 200 (figure 7-56). Individual malfunctions are coded
with a specific 5-digit identifier made up of the number of the CRT page on which
it appears (3 digits) and the line number (2 digits) on that CRT page.
7-57.) Typing the 5-digit identifier and
depressing ENTER on the keyboard
the malfunction into the simulation (e.g., typing 22102 ENTER inserts the malfunc-
tion appearing on line 02 of CRT page 221). Once inserted, the malfunction can be
removed by reentering its identifier. Up to 15 malfunctions can be active at any
one time, and up to six of these are displayed in the status area of the IOS CRT
display. Active malfunctions can also be removed from the simulation by depressing
the REMOVE ACTIVE MALFS switchlight on the forward control panel.
c. Instructors can use the malfunction simulation function to provide the
trainee with exposure to, and practice in dealing with, possible aircraft in-flight
emergencies and aircraft systems malfunctions.
7-54. DEMONSTRATIONS. Demonstrations (DEMOS) consist of a prerecorded aircraft
maneuver or a series of aircraft maneuvers that provide a model for the desired
performance of the maneuver being demonstrated. During demos, instruments, indi-
cators, aircraft flight controls, motion system movements, visual display scenes,
and associated aircraft sounds reflect an idealized performance of the maneuver as
flown by an expert. Demos include audio briefings, explanations. and instructional
commentary to facilitate trainees subsequent performance of the maneuver.