TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 9
cell fuel quantity. The CPG engine instruments are tested
by pressing the TEST pushbutton on the SDD panel which
causes all vertical-scale readings to be fully illuminated,
and all digital displays to indicate 888. The engine instru-
ment test panel (fig 2-20) also has the capability of testing
the CPG engine instruments by selecting the TST position
of the DGT/OFF/NORM/TST switch. In this position all
vertical-scale displays will be fully illuminated and the digi-
tal displays will indicate 888. Selecting the DGT OFF posi-
tion will blank all CPG digital displays.
Figure 2-21.
Selectable Digital Display Panel
All cautions/warnings for the engines have been dis-
cussed in this section. These caution/warning segments,
and their fault indicators, are summarized in Section XIV,
tables 2-5 and 2-6. It should be noted that the CPG cau-
tion/warning panel has fewer segments than the pilot cau-
tion/warning panel and that specific faults are often not
displayed. Illumination of any one of the pilot caution/
warning segments that indicates an engine problem will
simultaneously illuminate the CPG ENG 1 or ENG 2 seg-
An engine history recorder is mounted to the forward right
side of the engine
(fig 2-16). Signals are sent to the
history recorder by the ECU. The recorder displays two
readouts of low cycle fatigue (LCF) events, a time temper-
ature index, and engine operating hours. These readouts
cannot be reset to zero. The engine history recorder is
present only on the -701 engine.
An engine history counter is mounted to the forward right
side of the engine
(fig 2-16). Signals are sent to the
history counter by the DECU. The counter displays two
readouts of LCF events, a time-temperature index and en-
gine operating hours. These readouts cannot be reset to
zero. The engine history counter is present only on the
-701C engine.