TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 2
selected engine crossfeed/shutoff valve automatically
Some helicopters have been modified with green and am-
ber crossfeed (X FEED) annunciator lights located on the
pilot and CPG caution/warning panels (fig 2-44.1). The
green X FEED annunicator light will illuminate on both
caution/warning panels when crossfeed is selected by the
pilot and both engine fuel valves are correctly positioned
for the selection. The green X FEED annunicator light will
also illuminate when override and crossfeed is selected
by the CPG and both valves are correctly positioned.
When the CROSSFEED switch on the pilot fuel control
panel is placed in the FWD TK or AFT TK position the X
FEED caution/warning lights will be inhibited for 3 1
second while the fuel valves move to their selected posi-
tion. The amber X FEED annunicator light and the MAS-
TER CAUTION light (fig 2-43) will illuminate on both cau-
tion/warning panels when the pilot has selected crossfeed
or the CPG has selected override and one or both fuel
valves are incorrectly positioned. The amber X FEED cau-
tion/warning lights will also illuminate when a fuel valve is
in the CLOSED position (in response to actuation of a fire
handle or pilot fuel control panel ENG 1 or ENG 2 fuel
switch in the OFF position.
During engine start the amber X FEED cau-
tion/warning lights will illuminate if the
CROSSFEED switch is not in the AFT TK
c. External Tank Switch (EXT TK).
The pilot acti-
vates fuel transfer from as many as four external fuel
tanks to the internal fuel cells by positioning the EXT TK
switch to ON. The switch opens the auxiliary fuel tank
shutoff valve and the two transfer shutoff valves. Opening
the auxiliary fuel tank shutoff valve allows pressurized air
to force fuel from the left auxiliary fuel tank into the forward
fuel cell and from the right auxiliary fuel tank into the aft
fuel cell. When all auxiliary tanks are empty, the EXT EMP
caution light on the pilot caution/warning panel illumi-
The REFUEL VALVE switch (located on
the external fuel servicing panel (fig 2-45)
must be closed for operation of the
TRANS switch to be effective. The trans-
fer pump will not transfer fuel if the refuel
valve is open.
The fuel transfer system is the primary
method of balancing loads.
d. Transfer Switch (TRANS).
The TRANS switch
controls the position of the fuel transfer air valve. The fuel
transfer air valve directs pressurized air to the bi-direction-
al transfer pump which allows fuel transfer between fuel
cells. With the switch in the TO AFT or TO FWD position,
pressurized air is directed to the air motor which turns the
transfer pump and transfers fuel forward or aft. If the
transfer pump is transferring fuel and the fuel cell to which
it is transferring becomes full, a fuel level control valve will
shut off the fuel flow through the pump. There is no need
to stop the transferring operation until the fuel cells are at
the desired level.
Some helicopters have been modified with green and am-
ber transfer (FUEL XFR) annunciator lights located on the
pilot and CPG caution/warning panels (fig 2-44.1). The
green FUEL XFR annunicator light will illuminate on both
caution/warning panels when the pilot or CPG fuel trans-
fer switch is in the transfer position and transfer occurs.
The amber FUEL XFR annunicator light and the MASTER
CAUTION light (fig 2-43) will illuminate on both caution/
warning panels when the pilot or CPG fuel transfer switch
is in the transfer position and transfer does not occur.
The CROSSFEED switch shall be set to
the NORM position at all times unless ex-
ecuting emergency procedures for FUEL
PSI ENG 1 and FUEL PSI ENG 2. Using
the fuel system crossfeed may result in a
dual engine flameout if one of the engine
fuel valves fails to properly position.
e. BOOST Switch.
The boost pump (located in the
aft fuel cell) is used for starting the engines and when the
FUEL PSI ENG 1 and FUEL PSI ENG 2 caution lights illu-
minate. The BOOST switch electrically opens the boost
pump shutoff valve which directs pressurized air to the air
driven boost pump. When the switch is in the OFF posi-
tion, the engines receive fuel (through a suction feed sys-
tem) via the engine-mounted fuel pumps. When the
BOOST switch is in the ON position, and the CROSS-
FEED switch is in the AFT TK position, both engines feed
from the aft fuel cell. The boost pump is automatically
started and shut down during the engine start sequence.
Shutdown occurs at approximately 52% NG. It should be
noted that the pilot CROSSFEED switch must be in the
AFT TK position in order for the BOOST switch to latch