TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 3
Table 3-11.
HARS Control Functions and Alignment Methods
How to Initiate
Effects On Accuracy
Turns HARS off
Switch to NORM
PPOS, MV and spheroid
data entered through SP1
on data entry keyboard
(DEK) prior to initiating
Best accuracy attained by permitting
completion of HARS alignment prior to
starting the engines.
Some degradation to alignment accuracy
will occur if the engines are started prior to
the HARS completing its alignment. This
degradation will not occur if one engine is
started and the rotor speed established at
100% within one minute and forty-five
seconds after placing the HARS switch to
Stored Heading
Switch to FAST
Helicopter shall not have
been moved since HARS
was shut down.
Uses data from previous HARS alignment
and flight. Accuracy is dependent on that
data. Alignment time is the shortest of all
methods (approximately 90 to 120
seconds). Accuracy is not affected by
engine starts.
Switch to FAST
Same as normal
Least accurate method. Fastest method
when stored heading alignment is not
Inflight Restart
Switch to OFF, then to
AN/ASN-128 doppler MAL
light must be OFF.
Recycle doppler if
If the HARS loses alignment in flight, the
DASE will disengage. Switch the HARS
OFF, then to OPR. After approximately 90
seconds, the HSI HDG flag will disappear
and the DASE may be reengaged. The
heading will appear to oscillate as the HARS
attempts to align. The heading accuracy
should be within 3 degrees after five
minutes. Navigation performance will be
degraded significantly.
Switch to OPR
Operating mode. Switch
shall be in OPR prior to
moving the helicopter.
3.14.2 Required Navigation Data. The non integrated
navigation system uses two components of data for prop-
er operation: magnetic variation (MAGVAR) and spheroid
(SPH). The HARS aligns with inertial North. MAGVAR is
used to correct the inertial heading to one referenced to
magnetic North. The symbolic heading tape, HSI, and
RMI will all indicate magnetic heading. MAGVAR is en-
tered in two places. Using the DEK, the present position
MAGVAR on page 2 of Spare Position 1 (SP1) shall be
checked and entered, if necessary, during the AFTER
STARTING APUCPG checklist. The second place that
MAGVAR is input is in the DNS whenever coordinate data
is entered. The spheroid is used to define the geographic
reference frame that is used for the coordinate data.
Spheroid is entered in 2 places. Using the DEK, the spher-
oid on page 2 of SP1 shall be checked and entered, if nec-
essary during the AFTER STARTING APUCPG check-
list. The second