TM 1-1520-238-103-40Change 3Table 3-12.AN/ASN-128 Control and Indicator Functions – continuedControl/Indicator Function(Right Display)Longitude of destination set on DEST DISP thumbwheel.SPH-VAR(left Display)Spheroid code of destination set on DEST DISP thumbwheel.(Right Display)Magnetic variation (in degrees and tenths of degrees) of destination set on DEST DISPthumbwheel.MEM Indicator LampLights when radar portion of navigation set is in nontrack condition.MAL Indicator LampLights when navigation set malfunction is detected by built in self-test.DIM ControlControl light intensity of display characters.Left, Right, andCenter DisplayLampsLights to provide data in alphanumeric and numeric characters, as determined by setting ofDISPLAY switch, MODE switch, and operation of keyboard.Target StorageIndicatorDisplays destination number (memory location) in which present position will be stored whenTGT STR pushbutton is pressed.TGT STRPushbuttonStores present position data when pressed.KYBD PushbuttonUsed in conjunction with the keyboard to allow data to be entered into the computer. Alsolights up keyboard when pushed the first time.DEST DISPThumbwheel switchDISPLAYDestination display thumbwheel switch is used along with DEST-TGT and SPH-VAR positionof switch to select destination whose coordinates or magnetic variation are to be displayed orentered. Destinations are 0 though 9, P (Present Position) and H (Home).KeyboardUsed to set up data for entry into memory. When the DISPLAY switch is tuned to the positionin which new data is required and the KYBD pushbutton is pressed, data may be displayedon the appropriate left, right, and center display. To display a number, press thecorresponding key or keys (1 through 0). To display a letter, first depress the keycorresponding to the desired letter. Then depress a key in the left, middle, or right column,corresponding to the position of the letter on the key. Example: to enter an L, first depress L,then 3, 6, or 9 in the right column.FLY-TO DESTThumbwheel switchSelects the destination for which XTK/TKE and DIST/BRG/TIME are displayed when theDISPLAY switch is turned to either of these positions from which steering information isdesired. Destinations are 0 through 9, and H (Home).ENT keyEnters data set up on keyboard into memory when pressed.CLR keyClears last entered character when pressed once. When pressed twice, clears entire displaypanel under keyboard control.
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