TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 3
Table 3-12.
AN/ASN-128 Control and Indicator Functions continued
(Right Display)
Wind direction relative to true north (degrees). All references to headings or track angle
degrees are referred to magnetic north.
Distance crosstrack (XTK) of initial course to destination in km and tenths of a km.
(Right Display)
Track angle error (TKE) in degrees displayed as right or left of bearing to destination.
GS-TK (Left
Ground speed (GS) in km/hr.
(Right Display)
Track angle (TK) in degrees.
PP (MODE switch
set to UTM)
(Center Display)
Present position UTM zone.
(Left Display)
Present position UTM area square designator and easting in km to nearest ten meters.
(Right Display)
Present position UTM area northing in km to nearest ten meters.
PP (MODE switch
set to
(Left Display)
Present position longitude in degrees, minutes, and tenths of minutes.
(Right Display)
Present position latitude in degrees, minutes, and tenths of minutes.
(Center Display)
Time to destination selected by FLY TO DEST (in minutes and tenths of minutes).
(Left Display)
Distance to destination selected by FLY TO DEST (in km and tenths of a km).
(Right Display)
Bearing to a destination selected by FLY TO DEST (in degrees).
switch set to UTM)
(Center Display)
UTM zone of destination selected by DEST DISP thumbwheel.
(Left Display)
UTM area and easting of destination set on DEST DISP thumbwheel.
(Right Display)
Northing of destination set on DEST DISP thumbwheel.
switch set to
(Left display)
Latitude (N 84 or S 80 max.) of destination set on DEST DISP thumbwheel.