TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 3
Table 4-12.
ORT and Hand Controls/Display Functions continued
Right Hand Grip (cont)
Allows switching of FLIR polarities: black or white hot.
Starts or stops the video recorder when the VRS is in REC or PLAY mode.
Turns off heads out display and turns on heads down display.
Two-position guarded trigger. The first detent will fire a ranging burst and stop. If
continuous range or designation is desired, press trigger to second detent.
Enables the IAT during TADS internal boresighting or enables the AZ and EL pots
during TADS outfront boresight.
Disables all functions.
Enables DVO boresight adjust switch.
DVO adjust
Three position, center maintain switch. Used to slew the DVO boresight adjustment in
a helical motion.
(TADS) AN/ASQ-170.
If the pilot commands TADS away from
the CPG, the CPGs sight defaults to
IHADSS. The gun can still be fired with-
out reactioning, once the sight has
The TADS provides the CPG with day and night target ac-
quisition by means of a direct view optical (DVO) tele-
scope, a day television (DTV), and a forward looking in-
frared (FLIR) sensor system. The sensors may be used
singly, or in combination, depending on the tactical,
weather, and visibility conditions. Target tracking may be
accomplished manually; automatically, using the image
auto-tracker (IAT); or by using the laser spot tracker (LT).
The laser spot tracker facilitates target handoff from
another laser designator. Linear motion compensation
(LMC) aids in the tracking of moving targets either manu-
ally or automatically. The image auto-tracker has the ca-
pability to offset track one target, while automatically
tracking another target. The TADS receives 115 vac pow-
er from the No. 1 essential ac bus and 28 vdc power from
the No. 1 essential dc bus and is protected by the TADS
AC and TADS DC circuit breakers located on the CPG cir-
cuit breaker panel. The TADS is continuously monitored
by FD/LS; on-command test (test 14-TADS) will fault iso-
late to the LRU. The Optically Improved (OI) configuration
TADS contains special optical filters which provide laser
threat protection in the FLIR and Direct View Optics
(DVO) modes of operation.
4.24.1 OI Configuration.
The OI configuration Night
Sensor Assembly (NSA) contains selectable filters which
will block different laser wavelength bands. These filters
prevent lasers which operate in these bands from jam-
ming the FLIR video (causing it to bloom) should the la-
sers be directed at the TADS. The OI configuration ORT
FLTR SEL switch is used to select one of four possible fil-
ter types: (a) the CLEAR filter is used for normal operation
and provides no laser threat protection; (b) the S (for
short) filter provides protection against lasers operating in
the short wavelength band; (c) the L (for long) filter pro-
vides protection against lasers operating in the long wave-
length band; and (d) the MAX filter provides protection
against lasers operating in both the S (short) and L (long)
wavelength band.
a. OI Special Filter Coatings.
Special filter coat-
ings are applicable to Direct View Optics lenses contained
in the OI configuration Day Sensor Assembly. These filter
coatings provide the CPG with eye protection against cer-
tain laser threats should the CPG happen to view those
laser threats through the DVO. Because the filters are
coatings applied to fixed optics, they are always in place
and require no action on the part of the CPG to activate.