TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 8
(2) Auto Drift Null.
Auto drift null is active from
the time the TADS is first turned on. The only time it is in-
active is when the manual servo drift null procedure has
been accomplished. If the manual procedure was accom-
plished, the auto drift null can be reactivated by placing
the Boresight Enable switch in UP position for 2 seconds
and then placing it back to CENTER position. Auto drift is
not as precise as the manual procedure so some residual
servo drift will always be present when it is active.
The narrow and zoom FOV TADS FLIR
imagery has inaccuracies for lasing or
weapons direction following TADS inter-
nal boresight. TADS outfront boresight
validation and adjustment (if necessary)
shall be performed prior to using the
TADS FLIR imagery for laser or weapons
b. Boresight.
Boresight procedures consist of cue
update, internal boresight, outfront boresight, and manual
(1) Cue Update.
Performance of cue update en-
sures that the TADS turret is in proper position relative to
the boresight assembly prior to firing the laser for internal
boresight. If cue update is adjusted, internal and outfront
boresight must be performed following the cue update.
Cue update procedure is contained in paragraph 4.31.7.a.
(2) Internal Boresight.
Performance of internal
boresight aligns DTV and FLIR to laser LOS and DVO to
DTV LOS. Internal boresight shall be performed as part of
preflight procedures prior to any firing of laser or weapons
when TADS is used as imaging sensor. Internal boresight
can also be performed in flight to ensure boresight accu-
racy without requiring outfront boresight as a followup. In-
ternal boresight procedure is contained in paragraph
(3) Outfront Boresight.
Performance of out-
front boresight ensures FLIR LOS is in coincidence with
laser LOS. Outfront boresight shall be checked as part of
preflight procedures prior to any firing of laser or weapons
when TADS FLIR is used as the imaging sensor. Outfront
boresight must be performed after a cue update adjust-
ment. Target requirements for the outfront boresight pro-
cedure are as follows:
(a) A target a minimum of 0.5 km away from
the helicopter is required. Target must be clearly visible
and trackable through both FLIR and TV sensor NFOV.
Target must have the same center as viewed in both FLIR
and TV sensors.
(b) Outfront boresight procedure is contained
in paragraph 4.31.7 c.
(4) Manual Boresight.
The manual boresight
procedure is used only to recapture or center the FLIR la-
ser spot. It is not an acceptable boresight procedure for
normal flight operations. Manual boresight procedure is
contained in paragraph 4.31.7 d.
IFF transmission on the upper antenna
may cause the PNVS to slew toward the
fixed forward position and then back to
LOS. If this occurs, turn the transponder
off or use the lower antenna only during
night NOE PNVS operation.
The PNVS is used by the pilot for externally aided vision at
night or during adverse weather. The PNVS consists of a
stabilized FLIR contained in a rotating turret mounted
above the TADS (fig 4-16). Refer to table 4-14 for PNVS
equipment data. When selected, the turret is slaved to the
crewmember helmet LOS. This is accomplished using the
IHADSS which also presents the FLIR image and symbol-
ogy video to the crewmember on the HMD. The PNVS
image and symbology can be displayed on any of the dis-
plays in the helicopter through use of the VID SEL switch.
Control of the PNVS turret is governed by the SIGHT SEL
switch. Normal operation calls for the pilot to have priority
control of the PNVS turret; however, in the event the pilot
becomes incapacitated, the CPG may take control of the
PNVS through use of the PLT/GND ORIDE switch, the
SIGHT SEL switch, and the collective NVS switch. Four
degraded modes of operation exist when using the PNVS.
In two of the degraded modes corrective action by the fire
control system occurs automatically. The remaining two
require pilot corrective action. In all degraded modes
there will be a loss of some operational capability, as de-
scribed in paragraphs 4.25.2 thru 4.25.5.