TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 4
If the fire control computer battery fails,
boresight correctors will not be main-
Non-volatile parameter storage is accom-
plished by means of Electrically-Erase-
able Programmable Read-Only Memory
The fire control computer (FCC) continually monitors cer-
tain critical internal values derived from the Captive Bore-
sight Harmonization Kit (CBHK) boresight correctors.
These critical values are used in the correction or adjust-
ment of line-of-sight and weapons aiming. In the event of
any alteration of these internal FCC values, the crew-
members will be notified of the affected sight or weapons
subsystem by a message in the HAD and FD/LS continu-
ous monitoring.
The appropriate message in the HAD will be displayed
whenever the affected sight or weapon is selected. The
FD/LS messages will be announced as part of the contin-
uous tests described in paragraph 4.15, Fault Detection/
Location System. The effect on the selected sight or
weapon will be that no correction to the line-of-sight or
weapon aiming based on the CBHK correctors will be
made. The sight or weapon will function normally but with-
out apparent boresight correction or alignment.
Validate the CBHK boresight correction values for the af-
fected subsystem prior to using the subsystem.
To check the FCC boresight corrector numbers, proceed
as follows:
1. Place the DEK mode select switch to FD/LS
or press CDU FD/LS FAB
. En-
ter the letter B . The boresight menu page will be
displayed as follows:
The edit column (ED) is located to the right of the align
(AL) and verify (VF) columns and is the only column the
pilot will reference. The alignment, verification and edit
numbers are established by armament personnel using
the CBHK during aircraft systems boresight.
2. To check the boresight numbers in the FCC
against the boresight numbers on the boresight
page in the aircraft logbook, the aircraft must be
on the ground with the FCC operational. To
check the TADS, GUN, PYLN, or PNVS bore-
sight numbers, enter 22, 25, 28 or 31 respective-
ly. The selected system boresight edit numbers
will be displayed in lieu of the menu page. For
example, to check the PNVS boresight num-
bers, enter 31. The boresight menu will blank
and the PNVS edit page will be displayed as fol-
EL +09.3
AZ 15.6
3. If the FCC numbers displayed match the log-
book numbers, proceed to another system by
entering a B, which recalls the boresight menu,
and enter the next appropriate number for the
desired system. The PYLN (ED-28) data is dis-
played as one pylon number per page across
four pages. To move from one pylon to the next
sequentially, press the DEK SPACE key
or press CDU SPC KEY
and the next
pylon in sequence (1-4 repeated) will be dis-
4. If the FCC numbers displayed are not the same
as the logbook numbers, the pilot must change
the values to match the logbook values. The
protocol used to access the edit numbers as-
signs an integer (1, 2, 3, 4, . . ) to data locations
on the page following the rule: left to right, top to
bottom. The top left data location is addressed
by entering a 1. The next data location to the
right is addressed by entering a 2, etc. When a
data location is addressed by the appropriate in-
teger entry, the flashing cursor will move from
the top left corner to the first digit in the data
location. For example, using the PNVS page
from above, if the elevation (EL) numbers were
correct but the azimuth (AZ) numbers were not
the same as the logbook values, the pilot would
access the azimuth location by entering a 2. The
flashing cursor would relocate beneath the 1 in
5. Type in the logbook values. If the plus (+) or mi-
nus () sign is not correct, use the DEK BKSP
or CDU left arrow key
move the cursor beneath the sign and make the
appropriate correction to match the logbook val-