TM 1-1520-238-10
Change 9
Checks herein are only applicable if the ar-
mament is installed and are in addition to
those listed in Chapter 8. Except for safety,
Chapter 4 does not duplicate Chapter 8
4.31.1 FLIR Operational Check.
1. SIGHT SEL switch NVS, check turret function.
2. Adjust gain and level for optimum image.
3. Verify capability to select the various modes of
flight symbology.
4. FLIR PLRT pushbutton Check polarity rever-
5. Registration Check.
a. Align crewmembers LOS forward to the 12
oclock position 5.
b. Select a reference object approximately 90
feet in front of the aircraft.
c. Check registration (alignment differential)
between the thermal image and reference
object in azimuth.
d. The allowable registration error is 1 foot at
90 feet. The center open position of the LOS
reticle is equivalent to 1 foot at 90 feet.
e. If registration is out of tolerance refer to
TM 9-4935-476-13.
6. Alternate sensor Check.
4.31.2 IHADSS Boresight - Pilot.
OFFSET boresight is not authorized.
1. SIGHT SEL switch HMD.
2. VID SEL switch GRAY SC.
3. BRT and CONTRAST control Adjust.
4. VID SEL switch PLT.
5. SYM BRT control Adjust.
6. IHADSS BRSIT switch On.
7. INST light control Adjust BRU intensity.
8. Align HMD reticle with BRU.
9. BRSIT HMD switch Actuate then release.
10. IHADSS BRSIT switch OFF.
11. INST light control As desired.
4.31.3 IHADSS Boresight - CPG.
OFFSET Boresight not authorized.
1. SIGHT SEL switch HMD or HMD TADS.
2. GS switch Press.
3. BRT and CONTRAST control Adjust.
4. VID SEL switch TADS.
5. SYM BRT control Adjust.
6. IHADSS BRSIT switch On.
7. INST light control Adjust BRU intensity.
8. Align HMD reticle with BRU.
9. BRSIT HMD switch Actuate, then release.
10. IHADSS BRSIT switch OFF.
11. INST light control As desired.