TM 1-1520-238-231-402.10Change 101.137.SPECIAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST – continuedHelicopter Serial No.:Date:AreaNo.REQUIREMENTEVERYItemStatusSpecialInspectionNo.743A(cont)i. Install ammo storage magazine (TM 9-1090-208-23-1).j. Install ammunition bay door B200 (para 2.2).343BBEFORE EACH FLIGHTAPPLICABLE TO AIRCRAFT WITH 1750 OR MORE FLIGHT HOURS WHICH HAVENOT BEEN MODIFIED BY MWO 1-1520-238-50-32 OR BY CLOSURE OF THESLOT AREA BETWEEN FS 370 AND 450.THE INSPECTION AREA BOUNDS THE NO. 2 LEFT HAND STRINGER BETWEENFS 409 AND 476.INSPECTION PROCEDURESa. Inspect the skin surface over the No. 2 left hand stringer area of the sloton the upper left side of the tailboom from FS 409 to 476 before eachflight.b. Concentrate on the skin surface over the No. 2 left hand stringer. Inspectfor working rivets or skin cracking.c. If working rivets or skin cracking are found, refer to correction procedures.d. If no defects are found, aircraft is operational. Continue to perform therecurring inspection before each flight. The accumulated flight hours shallnot exceed three (3) flight hours between inspections.e. This recurring inspection shall be performed until a doubler strap isinstalled or the slot area is closed between fuselage stations FS 370 and450.f. Mark the skin inspection area using paint stripes to facilitate inspection.Put paint stripe at FS 408 and another at FS 477 on the area around theNo. 2 left hand stringer.GO TO NEXT PAGE
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