TM 1-1520-238-232-1832.59.CPG STATION ACCESS DOOR UPPER HINGE BUTT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedNOTEMinimum gap between door skin and air-frame is 0.030 INCH.c. Trim door skin minimum required to obtainacceptable gap.d. Attach new upper hinge (1) to lower hinge butt(14).(1) Install two hinge pins (11) in hinge halves (1)and (14).(2) If lower hinge (14) contacts bow beam (2)causing interference, go to paragraph2.59.7.b.(3) If interference does not exist, go to step e.e. With door (9) latched, check for gap betweenhinge (1) and bow beam (2).(1) If gap of 0.020 INCH or less exists, go to stepf.(2) If gap greater than 0.020 INCH exists, posi-tion original shim (4) in gap.(3) If original shim (4) is not available or does notfill gap, go to paragraph 2.59.7.a.f. Locate, mark, and drill seven rivet holes (15)on hinge (1) and shim (4) (if required) to matchholes in bow beam (2) (TM 1-1500-204-23).g. Remove door (9) from bow beam (2).(1) Remove two hinge pins (11) from hingehalves (1) and (14).(2) Remove door (9) from bow beam (2).(3) Store door (9) to prevent damage.GO TO NEXT PAGE21421154M04-3619-591411111415
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