TM 1-1520-238-232-2442.70.LEFT FORWARD CANOPY WINDSHIELD PANEL ASSEMBLYREMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedg. Enter CPG station (para 1.56). Observe allsafety precautions.WARNINGSeverance assembly is an explosivedevice. Do not remove canopy jettisonhandle safety pin or move jettisonhandle. Detonation may cause severeinjury to personnel. If injury occurs,seek medical aid.CAUTIONInstall detonating cord with care. Do notdamage cup on end of cord. Damage tocord or cup may affect performance ofseverance assembly.h. Install cord (1) in severance device (2).Torquenipple (3) to 80 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Lubricate packing (4). Use petrolatum(item 138, App F).(2) Install new packing (4) on nipple (3).(3) Install nipple (3) in severance device (2).(4) Hold severance device (2). Torque fitting (3)to 80 INCH-POUNDS. Use torque wrench.(5) Lockwire nipple (3) to severance device (2).Use wire (item 226, App F).i. Inspect (QA).END OF TASKM04-1448-62314
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