TM 1-1520-238-232-4402.122.WING TRAILING EDGE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuede. Remove trailing edge (11) from wing (3).(1) Remove four screws (12) and washers (13)from trailing edge (11) of wing (3).(2) Remove trailing edge (11) from wing (3).2.122.4. Cleaninga. Wipe removed and attaching parts with aclean rag.2.122.5. Inspectiona. Check trailing edge for cracks, nicks,scratches, and loose rivets (para 2.117).b. Check removed screws for stripped threads.None allowed.c. Check removed and attaching parts for corro-sion(para 1.49).2.122.6. InstallationNOTECovers on lower side of trailing edgemust be stowed if auxiliary wing tank kit isinstalled on pylons.a. Position trailing edge (11) on wing (3).b. Install 35 screws (9) and washers (10) in bot-tom of wing (3).c. Install 36 screws (7) and washers (8) in top ofwing (3).d. Install two screws (5) and washers (6) in bot-tom of wing (3) at tie (4).e. Install two screws (1) and washers (2) in top ofwing (3) at tie (4).GO TO NEXT PAGE12311M04-2711-413M04-2711-311221458610973
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