TM 1-1520-238-239-749.20.DC BUS ISOLATION DIODE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued9.20.6. InstallationNOTEThe following step is typical for bus isola-tion diodes CR3 and CR4.a. Attach bus bar W3 (11) to diode (1).(1) Install screw (13) through washer (14), busbar (11), and diode (1).(2) Install nut (12) on screw (13).NOTEThe following step is typical for bus isola-tion diodes CR1 and CR2.b. Attach wire (6) to diode (1).(1) Install screw (9) through washer (8), terminallug (10), and diode (1).(2) Install washer (8) and nut (7) on screw (9).GO TO NEXT PAGE111311412M04-1417-369810871M04-1417-6
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