TM 1-1520-238-2310-18810.36.AFT FUEL CELL FOUR-WAY CHECK VALVE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued10.36.3. RemovalCAUTIONJet fuel will cause external surface of fuelcell to swell, delaminate, and leak if al-lowed to contact the fuel cell more than72 HOURS. Keep jet fuel away from theoutside of fuel cells.a. Remove aft four-way check valve (1) from aftfuel cell (2).(1) Hold valve (1). Use open end wrench. Re-move fuel supply hose nut (3) from valve (1).Use open end wrench.(2) Remove fuel inlet hose nut (4) from valve (1).(3) Remove fuel outlet hose nut (5) from valve(1).(4) Remove three bolts (6), three lockwashers(7), valve (1), and six washers (8).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-364-24M04-364-35312M04-364-41678
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