TM 1-1520-238-MTF
Change 3
A NORMAL HARS alignment must be com-
pleted immediately prior to performing the
flight portion of the check.
c. HARS mode switch OPR.
2. Flight Checks.
a. At Departure waypoint:
(1) Nav system Initialize.
(2) FCC PPOS display (NonEGI) Verify
agrees with doppler PP display
(3) Select next waypoint: record navigation
system distance to waypoint.
(4) Navigation system steering Fly to next
waypoint by tracking steering indicator.
Following Navigation system steering data
ensures the most direct route to the way-
point will be flown. Climb to enroute altitude
should be performed at best rate of climb.
Enroute altitude must comply with local reg-
ulations, and provide adequate terrain clear-
ance. Enroute airspeed should be 120
KIAS. Maneuvering should be limited to the
minimum possible; pitch and bank angles
should be limited to 5 degrees whenever
b. At EACH waypoint:
(1) Complete landing approach to hovering
altitude of 10 to 20 feet over the physical
(2) Navigation system:
*(a) Present position freeze Record
actual coordinates.