TM 55-6930-214-10
Section I.
Due to abnormal shutdown possible hardware damage nay occur.
7-l. EMERGENCY STOP. Emergency stop switches are located on the various elec-
tronic cabinets throughout the CMS complex and at the trainee stations. These
switches should not be used unless an actual emergency exists. Emergency stop,
when depressed, removes facility power to the entire CMS complex, including the
motion and visual systems.
a. The motion platform is returned to the settle position at the fastest prac-
tical speed by a quick-settle control valve if emergency stop is activated.
b. Emergency stop switches are at the following locations:
Instructor/operator station (IOS) console control panel
Trainee control panel
Linkage cabinet
Motion cabinet
Motion pumps
Power cabinet
7-2. MAJOR MODE SELECT. Major mode select permits the instructor a choice of in-
tegrated or independent training mode configurations for the CMS. In the inte-
grated mode, both CMS cockpits are electronically coupled and provide a simulated
aircraft and environment for pilot and CPG training as a crew. The instructor can
select and designate from which IOS station to conduct and manage training. This
decision is based upon what the specific training objectives are for that training
period. In the independent mode, each CMS cockpit is an independent simulated.
aircraft, and training can be conducted in each cockpit without interfering with
the other cockpit.
a. Four switchlights on the left side of the IOS console control panel permit
the selection and designation of the major mode of operation and training config-
uration for the CMS. (See figure 7-1.) The switchlights are IND, INTEG, PILOT
INSTR MSTR, and CPG INSTR MSTR. The IND/INTEG switchlights are used to select
either independent or integrated mode of operation. If integrated mode is select-
ed, one IOS must be designated to be the master station (PILOT INSTR MSTR or CPG
INSTR MSTR). The raster station has control of the CMS instructional features that
are used to establish and control the training process. When switching from inde-
pendent to integrated, the master station function defaults to the CPG IOS.
The following characteristics are related to major mode selection:
(1) Rode changes must be requested while in problem freeze.
(2) When a mode change is initiated from independent to integrated or vice
versa, an automatic master reset occurs; that is, all temporary modifications,
TEE's, AMI's, and IC's are removed from the simulation.
Change 2 7 - l