TM 55-6930-214-10
Command lines 01 through 04 require that TAB be depressed between
the command line entry and the value (e.g.. 01 TAB 09 ENTER).
Line 05 is Boolean for ON/OFF and requires only 05 and ENTER.
The simulation assumes that a line-of-sight exists for the UTM
selected. A quick method for entering UTM is to pick a grid
intersection within the acquisition fan and enter those coordi-
nates (e.g., QGl2003400).
The target evaluation page provides the capability to
selectively review TEE's or manually inserted target arrays.
The six command/reference lines on the CRT page (figure 7-49) are:
(1) Lines 02 and 04 through 06 establish a position for the ownship in the
visual gaming area and identify the targets (TEE or manual) to be observed.
(2) Line 03 INVISIBLE AH-64, when YES, allows the instructor to observe
targets without triggering hostility, motion, or hits.
(3) Line 03 INVISIBLE AH-64, when NO, permits events to occur as programmed
when the TARGET EVALUATION MODE is activated.
(4) Line 01 TARGET EVALUATION MODE is used to activate/deactivate the
evaluation feature.
b. The target evaluation page is in group 5 (TARGETS) and can be accessed via
the data entry keyboard by keying in 583 DISPL. The primary purpose of the target
evaluation page is to permit instructors and/or course developers who prepare TEE's
to observe and visually review the tactical array of targets placed in TEE's. A
secondary, but equally important, purpose is to allow flight instructors undergoing
simulator instructor training to observe and review targets within TEE's and tar-
gets that have been manually selected for subsequent training periods. The in-
structor may find this feature useful with some trainees early in training. Many
target sites are visible from more than one battle position; the target evaluation
page permits quick positioning to battle positions and firing positions to deter-
mine the most suitable locations from which to conduct training.
c. After completing entries for lines 02 through 06, the simulator and the
associated visual display are initialized at the selected UTM to permit observation
by keying in 01 ENTER. Heading and altitude can be changed as desired via lines 05
and 06 while at the evaluation position. Activating the HIT OVERRIDE switchlight
permits observing the targets and checking the operation of triggering parameters
(e.g., enable motion and hostility with line-of-sight) without being hit.
The target evaluation page is used to:
Permit instructors and course developers to review newly prepared TEE's
Permit familiarization of TEE's for new instructors
Permit instructors to review manual target arrays
Familiarize trainees with firing positions and threat arrays
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