TM 55-6930-214-10
7-50 and
7-51) show the 15
weapons configurations available in the CMS. Mounting
hardware, weapons, and ammunition quantities associated with each configuration are
also shown. The variety of available loads gives the instructor maximum flexibil-
ity for selection of mission loads.
a. Loads 02 through 05 are for anti-armor missions and include only Hellfire
missiles and 30-mm. Loads 06 through 15 are for covering force and airmobile es-
cort missions. These loads all include 2.75-inch rockets. The following five
rocket types art available in the simulated weapons system:
High-explosive, RC fuse
High-explosive, point-detonating
Smoke (white phosphorus), time fuse
Multipurpose submunitions, time fuse
b. The weapons loading page is in group 5 (TARGETS) and can be accessed via the
data entry keyboard by keying in 590 DISPL. The line number associated with each
load is the number to be entered on tither line 06 of the IC set page, line 06 of
the current conditions page, or line 01 of the weapons loading page. When a wea-
pons load has been selected and activated, that load is reflected in the weapons
status area of the CRT display.
c. Each load configuration that includes rockets indicates the number of rockets
on each wing and a reference number to identify the rocket load configuration.
(See figure 7-50.) That is, the reference number identifies what type rocket is
loaded and available for use in each zone of the rocket system. By paging forward
(PAGE FWD) from weapons loading CRT page 590, rocket configuration CRT page 591
(figure 7-51) is displayed. This page lists the ten rocket load configurations and
identifies what type rockets have been loaded in the weapons load indicated on CRT
page 590.
d. The weapons loading page is used to determine what weapons loads are avail-
able for training, to select a load configuration to be entered in IC or CC
page(s), and to determine what types of rockets are available.
The forward arming and refueling point (FARP) control page
(figure 7-52) lists the 10
sites on which the
FARP can be
established in the
gaming area. The list includes the site number, name/description, and UTM location
of the site. The FARP area includes a landing area with lighted inverted-Y fuel
points, ammunition boxes, and fuel bladders. However, refueling and rearming are
actually performed by the instructor modifying the appropriate lines on the CC page
during training periods.
a. The FARP control page is in group 5 (TARGETS) and can be accessed via the
data entry keyboard by keying in 592 DISPL. Only one model of a FARP is available
in the CMS visual database. This FARP can be placed on any one of the sites of the
FARP control page.
b. The site number listed to the left of the name/description is the number to
be entered on line 29 of the IC or CC page. The FARP can be repositioned in the
gaming area
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